
Prescription: highly professional translations!

30 Dec 2019 | Case Studies

At TradOnline, we have experience in a number of different sectors, and medical translations are a major part of our business. So when a client requests a professional translation with a tight deadline, we know exactly how to respond; after all, it’s what we do every day!

Description of client’s needs:

Translations from French to English and Dutch
Sworn translations from English to Dutch
Translations from Dutch to English
Adaptations of French translations after updates to source Dutch text

The projects we handled, in the pharmaceutical sector, covered topics such as informed consent, patient cards and guides (children, teens, or adults), as well as messages related to clinical studies that had been carried out. They were sent in Word or PDF format.

What was so particular about this project? Domain-specific terminology related to the pharmaceutical industry and medical research, often short lead times, and very strict regulations.

How does TradOnline treat this type of demand? For handling this type of request, Computer-assisted Translation tools are more than just optional. In order to guarantee perfect consistency in terminology and quality, it’s absolutely necessary to master these tools (SDL Studio or memoQ).

The client’s dedicated project manager employs teams of translators that are specialized in the medical field in order to ensure that the terminology is correctly employed and that the translations maintain their meaning and are able to be understood by industry professionals.

As the medical field is highly regulated, a specific attention must be paid to the translations to ensure they respond to the quality required.

Another essential point, all previously translated segments are locked before being sent to the translators in order to ensure the client isn’t billed a second time for repeat material.

Challenges presented by the project:

The processes implemented by TradOnline have allowed us to optimize costs all while guaranteeing the best quality. Mission successful!

The TradOnline plus:

Responsiveness and implication without measure from each of the project’s participants.
Because of great organization upstream, tried and true methodology and unparalleled rigour, TradOnline is able to respond to requests from clients in very complex and demanding sectors, such as the medical field.

Our advice at TradOnline for this type of project: pay specific attention to the structure of the source files; if multiple clinical studies are launched simultaneously, they must be written using the same structure (page formatting) to make the most of the translation memory and our Computer-Assisted Translation tool (easier repetition management to reduce costs).