Our sectors of activity
IT Services and App Development
We aren’t always aware of it, but IT services and app development have seeped into every part of our lives, from our computers, smartphones, and tablets to the software, devices, and digital solutions we run on a daily basis in our offices and homes. Behind these now nearly indispensable digital tools are a number of publishers and IT companies that develop these solutions for use in countries all across our blue and green marble. The international aspect of digital services, often with a strong predominance in English, make translation an essential step for our clients.
Open source solutions, cloud data, e-mail marketing software, hosting and outsourced IT management services of critical applications: these are just some of the services offered by the numerous clients that call on our services as a translation agency. In other words, as many specific technological solutions requiring a solid mastery of the technical challenges and the domain-specific jargon. There’s no room for error in a field where the smallest translation error can have serious consequences!
Our expertise in this field allows us to translate a range of technical documents, including:
- software and apps;
- procedure manuals, instructions;
- service contracts, specifications;
- websites.
For any IT and app development projects, we call on translators specialized in IT and communications technologies, for whom quality is their primary watchword. Upstream preparations will allow us to clarify the client’s expectations and requirements for the project in terms of content and format.


Engineering and Construction

Pure Play



Tourism and Hospitality

Health and Cosmetics

IT Services