Translation Rates and Lead-times

How we calculate our rates
Our services are generally calculated based on the number of words to be translated in the source content. An additional fee may be added based on actual time spent (hourly rate), depending on the project and specific project features (desktop publishing, project management, etc.).
Prices vary between €0.05 and €0.22 (excl. VAT) per world, depending on the type of translation you’ve chosen, the language pair(s), and the degree of specialisation.
The final cost will also be reduced with the use of translation memories which enable us to identify sentences that have already been totally, or even partially, translated or even repeated within a single document. We apply preferential rates on these segments, which can be discounted by up to 80%.
We also charge for additional services: preparation of files, OCR, desktop publishing, development of solutions (such as connectors) for Content Management Systems (CMS), etc.
We offer three types of translations: Premium Translations, Human-edited AI Translations, and Un-edited AI Translations.
Rates by type of translation service
Premium Translations
Specialized linguists work first-hand on the entirety of your texts. All our translators are experienced professionals who translate in their native language and in their areas of expertise (fashion, fragrances, legal, financial, etc.). The translators are supported and supervised by our project managers. The linguists we assign are dedicated for your brand and will work alongside you all year and throughout all your projects.
From €0.08 to €0.22 (excl. VAT) per word

Human-edited AI Translations
Also known as Machine Translation Post-Edition, controlled, supervised.
- Step 1 – The text is initially compared with existing translations in the Translation Memory or your company’s specific glossary of terms.
- Step 2 – Text not found in the Translation Memory is passed through machine translation using the best tool identified (LLM or dedicated neural machine translation engine) and adapted to your specific case.
- Step 3 – Proofreading and revision by a linguist whose objective is to ensure that the text is completely understandable and correct without giving any priority to the style or tone.
From €0.05 (excl. VAT) per word
Un-edited AI Translation
This process is specifically suited to high-volume projects and short lead-times.
After analysing your needs, we’ll choose the best translation tool (LLM, dedicated neural machine translation engine). We prepare the content in a format conducive to the use of these tools. Depending on the case, we can add translation memories, glossaries, or other text that you provide in order to adapt the way in which the tool will translate your text. We will also ensure that the confidentiality of your data will be conserved. This process will be carried out by a dedicated project manager who will accompany you throughout the project.
Request a quote for our best pricing

Subtitles and Voice Overs
Localizing video, including subtitles and voice over work, is billed depending on the time (per minute). The rate also includes all the necessary steps (transcription, creation of a subtitle file, translation, embedding, creation or recording of a voice over if needed).
Examples of Rates and Lead-times

Marketing Translation
Our client: Luxury cruise operator – Tourism Industry
Their need: Weekly FR to EN and DE translations of their cruise and excursion offerings
Service: 100% human translation
Volume: 11,654 words FR>EN – 12,403 mots FR>DE
Price invoiced: €2,949 (excl. VAT) – monthly invoice
Lead-time: 2 working days/file (with an average volume of 3,000 words per file)

Technical Translation
Our client: Specialist in stainless steel sheet metal work and heat exchange – Industrial Sector
Their need: FR>RU translation of a technical manual FR>RU
Service: Human-edited AI Translation
Volume: 16,348 words (weighted, 21,394 total) – repetitions not invoiced
Price invoiced: €1,144 (excl. VAT)
Lead-time: 4 working days

Corporate translation
Our client: Major home furnishings retailer – Home furnishings sector
Their need: Monthly FR>ES translation of a catalogue of products – 8 idml files (InDesign) + 1 Excel file
Service: 100% human translation with proofreading and revision by a second translator + Desktop publishing (16 pages)
Volume: 5,204 words (weighted, 9,818 total) – repetitions not invoiced and scaling price of partial repetitions (fuzzy matches)
Price invoiced: €1,232 (excl. VAT) (Translation + Revision = €592 / Desktop publishing = €640 (excl. VAT))
Lead-time: 5 working days
Sworn Translations
For sworn (or official) translations, the rates are given per page. Prices range from €40-€70 (excl. VAT) per page depending on the languages and the technical nature of the content.
Proofreading by a second linguist
Expect a 20% supplement for revision by a second translator. This is notably perscribed for long-term and important communication when you don’t have a native speaker in-house to proofread.
Read more
Our translation agency undertakes to provide you with teh best advice on the strategy you should adopt in accordance with your objectives and allotted budget.
Read more on the subject:
Price of a translation: 6 points to know to be an expert on the subject